Klaus Bamberg Golden Egg

Geometry that catalyzes order and energy

With its shape composed of 10 golden spirals moving clockwise and counterclockwise harmoniously crossing each other, the OVO © proposed by Klaus Bamberg combines the concept of an attractor, container and condenser of life force with that of the golden ratio, which, with its geometric and mathematical properties, and its frequent presence in a variety of natural and cultural contexts, represents an ideal of beauty and harmony.

sezione aurea
ovo aureo

What is inside the OVO ©?

Dynamic potential, which is just another expression for life as it unfolds.
In practical terms, what does it mean?

That by wearing it you could experience the Life Force that this form contains. How would you define having more Life Force for yourself? Having more energy, thinking better and with greater clarity, experiencing more beauty in your life? Being more relaxed and at peace with yourself, being more aware of the harmonious flow of events around you? Have more physical, emotional, mental and spiritual strength?

If you feel drawn to the beauty and harmony of this piece of jewelry, try to experience its effects for yourself.

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ovo aureo costruzione

The OVO © as an instrument of life

The only constant in our universe is constant change.
People’s basic motivation for doing anything is to give meaning to their lives that makes sense. This “Having Meaning” lies behind Klaus’ design as a creative response to the world in which–according to chaos theory–everything that does not experience direct human influence decays in its basic components = entropy. From this point of view one can appreciate OVO © as a means of creating order in chaos = negative entropy.

“The jewelry art I currently create is for discerning and sensitive people who appreciate the splendor of subtle beauty, the power of sacred intent, and the laughter that comes from my unusual sense of humor.”